Sunday, December 2, 2007

Two bowls of soup

A new 'blog deserves a happy first post. A lot of things make me happy, but we're going to focus on three things:

1) spending a lazy day with a great boy
2) making soup with aforementioned great boy
3) eating soup

It was Friday, a day we should have both spent at work. Instead, we woke up together (or rather I woke up, and coaxed his notoriously non-morning person behind out of bed). Instead of commuting, computer screens, phone calls, and cubicles there was coffee and recipe searching.

We had one plan - soup!

Soup is vague. Chowder? Bisque? Is the existance of chunks the only difference?

After a good amount of searching and indecision, we settled on Butternut Squash Chowder with Pears and Ginger from Epicurious. It didn't have an overly involved list of ingredients (hi Emeril, three different kinds of squash?), seemed like an interesting mix of flavors, and we were fairly sure it would be warm and tasty in our bellies. It was also afternoon already, so we got right to work after a quick trip to the store.

Cooking with another person is one of the most intimate things possible, if you ask me. You're taking raw materials, rolling up your sleeves and creating something to savor with your cooking partner. Like other intimate deeds, I can be a bit insecure. It was a successful foray, however, and we ended up with two beautifully steaming bowls of soup.

I ate the last of it for dinner tonight. It tasted like sleeping in, playing Risk, making moonshine cocktails, and bringing home a new kitten.